
LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two
  • LetsGoRides - Himalaya, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Himalaya" made with Lego bricks. Foldable on two


Riproduzione motorizzata dell'attrazione fieristica "Himalaya" realizzata con mattoncini Lego. Ripiegabile su due rimorchi.

Disponibile su ordinazione
Product type: Kit completo
349,00 €
Prezzo da 333,17 €

  • pagamento sicuro pagamento sicuro
  • Consegna garantita Consegna garantita
Consegna prevista: Martedì 29 Aprile 2025

Contenuto :

  • Giostra completa (20 gondole ruotano su un binario con due gobbe e due avvallamenti)
  • Guardare
  • 2 camion
  • Stampato su decorazioni di carta fotografica
  • CD-ROM contenente le istruzioni di installazione e trasporto (.pdf) e scenografia (.jpg)

Optional (kit motorizzato completo):

  • Scatola di controllo del motore e della batteria

Età: 10+


Scheda tecnica

Larghezza (cm)
Profondità (cm)
Altezza (cm)
Peso (kg)
Numero di parti
Quantità di mattoni
2000 - 3000
Fasi di costruzione
Motori inclusi
Scatola di controllo
Vano batteria (acceso/spento)
imesso a nuovo



Elenco dei mattoni richiesti

Scarica (2.74MB)


Come sono le istruzioni?

Scarica (5.38MB)

Rated 4.67 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 6 customer reviews

when are they back for sale

Acquisto verificato


Please could you tell me which motor I need for this. We did order with a motor but the order seems to have gone through without the motor. I need to purchase one to be able to continue with the build. Many thanks

Risposta da LETSGORIDES EI - Johann Franckelemon :
I confirm that you have ordered a Himalaya kit without motorization. <br /> The items you are looking for are the large power function motor (99499) and the technic battery box (58119)

When will sales open again please?

Risposta da LETSGORIDES EI - Johann Franckelemon :
Sales will resume on august 15th
Acquisto verificato

Ein tolles Set!

Es hat richtig viel Spaß gemacht, das Modell zu bauen. Eine gute Anleitung, sowie schöne Drucke für die Fassade. Und es macht immer wieder Freude, das Fahrgeschäft auf- und abzubauen. Schönes Transportkonzept! Weiter so!

Acquisto verificato

Ein super durchdachtes Konzept

Größte Spielfreude für Opa und Enkel.